Club Sessions

Open Session

A public session open for all ages and abilities.

Every Friday – 4:45-6:00pm

Advanced Session

A session for players wanting to compete in wheelchair basketball. This session is invite only – if you have previous experience in wheelchair basketball and want to join get in touch.

Every Friday – 6:00-7:00pm


New College Sports Centre, New College Dr, Swindon SN3 1AH

Volunteer With Shock WBC

Without our volunteers Swindon Shock WBC would not be what it is today.

Supporting with sessions on a Friday, helping at events, officiating on game days, drivers, our volunteers mean we can keep running the club and provide opportunities to the local community.

If you are interested in volunteering please get in touch with Ben.

Wheelchair Basketball Classes and Events

Does your school want to host PE classes or an after school club of wheelchair basketball?

Do you want to promote inclusivity in your organisation?

At Shock Wheelchair Basketball we are able to provide the equipment and coaches to host one off events or ongoing sessions.

For more information get in touch with Wesley.