Bringing Wheelchair Basketball to Swindon since 2012

Wheelchair basketball is a sport that anybody can get involved in, providing a level playing field for everyone to participate in sport together. Whether you have a disability or not anyone can enjoy this fast paced, thrilling sport together.




What We DO

Swindon Shock WBC has one mission, to provide a platform for everybody to participate in sport together. Whatever your age, ability or gender, everyone can become part of the Shock family.


We run open sessions where everyone can get involved in the sport of wheelchair basketball.

Develop new skills, build confidence and create lasting friendships.


We support events within the community, providing opportunities for those who would struggle to for anyone and everyone to get involved in sport, no matter their ability.


Wheelchair basketball is one of the largest disability sports in the UK.

Shock works to developer players and competes against teams across the country


We are able to provide classes and clubs for schools across Swindon.

These sessions provide awareness on inclusivity and give students with SENs an opportunity to participate in sport with their peers.

Club Information


Open Session

A public session open for all ages and abilities.

Every Friday – 4:45-6:00pm

Advanced Session

A session for players wanting to compete in wheelchair basketball. This session is invite only – if you have previous experience in wheelchair basketball and want to join get in touch.

Every Friday – 6:00-7:00pm


New College Sports Centre, New College Dr, Swindon SN3 1AH

Last Game

Shocks Competitive team was in the EWWB League for the 23/24 season, securing 2nd place for our first season since 2019!




Support Us

Swindon Shock Wheelchair Basketball is a not for profit organisation. We strive to ensure that nobody is unable to participate in sport due to financial difficulties and provide opportunities for as many people as possible to be involved in physical activity.

Donate to Shock

What your gift could provide

£35 pays for 1hr of hall hire

£500 pays for an entry level sports wheelchair

£150 pays for a Level 1 Wheelchair Basketball qualification

Do you want to sponsor shock?

Shock want’s to grow and provide more opportunities to our players, schools and the local community.

If you or your business want to sponsor one of our projects please get in touch.

A huge Thank you to our 24/25 season sponsors

Latest News

Shock WBC get new kit ahead of 24/25 season

The 24/25 season prep has begun, and with it a new look with Shock WBC’s fresh new kit! Big[…]

Shock Wheelchair Success

Today saw Swindon Shock travel to the final round of the EWWB League ⚡️ This season has been full[…]

Shock Wheelchair Join EWWB League 23/24

We are very pleased to announce that Shock Wheelchair will be joining the EWWB League for the 23/24 season.[…]